Could there be have unclaimed money
in your name?
The government may be holding as much as $40 billion in unclaimed money. Check if some of it may belong to you or someone you know!
The government may be holding as much as $40 billion in unclaimed money. Check if some of it may belong to you or someone you know!
MoneyBot5000 has access to millions and millions of records - and can automatically sort through them all to search if there's anything in your name.
You don't need to provide us any additional documentation and all searches are confidential.
Sign UpMoneyBot5000 digs through several databases to help locate assets and accounts held in the name of its users.
You could be owed unclaimed money via tax refunds, pensions, back wages, and much more - if you are, we can help provide the contact information for the appropriate agencies to file a claim with.
Sign UpSign up to MoneyBot5000 today and you'll get early access to a whole host of new features that our little bot has been working on, such as: