In the United States, lotteries are a common form of entertainment and a significant source of revenue for many states. As of now, 45 states, along with the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, participate in state-run or multi-state lottery programs. These lotteries, such as Mega Millions and Powerball, are often organized by consortiums of state lotteries to create larger jackpots and attract more participants.

Lotteries serve not only as a form of entertainment but also as a mechanism for funding public projects. A percentage of the revenue generated from ticket sales typically supports causes such as education, infrastructure, and public health initiatives. While prizes that go unclaimed represent another source of funds that can be utilized by states. Depending on the state’s policies, these unclaimed prizes may be redirected to future prize pools, allocated to specific state programs, or used to support charitable causes, further benefiting the community.

Despite the widespread participation and benefits, five states—Alabama, Alaska, Hawaii, Nevada, and Utah—do not offer lottery drawings. Each of these states has unique reasons for abstaining from lottery participation, which range from legal and constitutional prohibitions to cultural and economic factors. This article will explore these various motivations in detail.

List of states without lottery drawings

lottery tickets


Residents of Alabama cannot buy lottery tickets within the state, as it doesn’t participate in statewide or multi-state lottery programs, despite various attempts to introduce legislation to change this. Today, casino-style gaming and state lotteries are not permitted, although the state allows limited forms of betting like greyhound dog racing and horse racing through local referendums.

Check out more on Alabama’s unclaimed asset laws


Alaska has opted out of lotteries, partially due to concerns that state-run lotteries would detract from charitable gaming, which is legal and strictly regulated. Furthermore, unique geographical challenges and low population density impede the feasibility of a state-run lottery in Alaska. The harsh weather conditions, including extreme cold and permafrost, complicate logistical operations necessary for lottery implementation and maintenance.

Check out more on Alaska’s unclaimed money laws


Hawaii prohibits most forms of gambling, including lotteries. Regular proposals to introduce lotteries or bingo halls generally fail, often due to concerns about crime and the potential negative impact on poorer communities.

Find out more about unclaimed money in Hawaii


Despite being a global gambling hub, Nevada prohibits lottery ticket sales due to long-standing opposition from the powerful casino industry and constitutional restrictions. The concern is that a lottery could divert consumer spending away from casinos, thereby reducing their revenue.

Check out more on Nevada’s unclaimed money laws


The Utah state constitution bans “games of chance,” a stance entrenched by the significant influence of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which strongly opposes any form of gambling.

Find out more about unclaimed money in Utah

Historical context for lottery bans

Legal documents about lotteries

Understanding the historical landscape of gambling legislation can help illuminate the stances these states have taken.

The early 20th century witnessed stringent bans on gambling and lotteries, largely driven by scandals and moral concerns. The pervasive sentiment against gambling was fueled by several high-profile scandals involving corruption and fraud within lottery operations. These events generated a considerable moral panic, resulting in the tightening of regulations and outright bans in many states.

The enactment of the Wire Act of 1961 marked a critical point in federal gambling legislation. Aimed initially at curbing organized crime by targeting sports betting across state lines, the act reinforced the moral and legal opposition to gambling that had been building over decades.

Case study: Mississippi

Mississippi serves as a compelling case study in the shifting attitudes towards lotteries. Initially, Mississippi aligned with the national trend of outlawing lotteries and other forms of gambling due to moral and social concerns. However, over time, changing economic needs and societal views prompted a reevaluation of these bans. The state gradually embraced gambling, recognizing its potential for economic stimulus and public revenue generation. This evolution mirrors broader trends where states reconsider their stances on lotteries and gambling as public opinion shifts and economic pressures mount.

Read more on nuances of Mississippi unclaimed money.

Pros and cons of implementing state lotteries


Increased state revenue: Lotteries offer a significant source of revenue, with a large portion allocated to public projects such as education and infrastructure. In 2021, U.S. lottery ticket sales amounted to $191.1 billion, demonstrating the potential financial benefit for states.

Economic benefits: Lotteries stimulate the economy by creating jobs and boosting the tourism market. Retailers, lottery operators, and various service providers involved in the lottery ecosystem benefit from the demand generated by lottery sales and promotions.


Gambling addiction: Lotteries often contribute to gambling addiction, thereby creating social and economic issues. Gambling addiction is associated with financial ruin, mental health problems, and strained relationships within affected households. Various experts highlight the seriousness of gambling addiction problems, noting that they may lead to severe economic and personal consequences.

Religious concerns: Objections often arise from religious and conservative groups who argue that gambling promotes unethical behavior and deteriorates community values. In states with significant religious populations, the ethical stance against gambling is a compelling factor that influences government decisions on lotteries. For instance, Utah’s predominantly Mormon population believes gambling conflicts with their religious beliefs and societal norms.

Economic disparities: Studies suggest that lotteries potentially lead to economic inequities, as lower-income individuals tend to spend more on lottery tickets relative to their earnings, often driven by the hope of rapid financial improvement.

Impact on residents

Many residents in states without lotteries choose to travel to neighboring states to purchase lottery tickets. Nevada residents, for instance, often make trips to a truck stop in Arizona, located about 60 miles outside of Las Vegas, for a chance to buy Mega Millions tickets. Similarly, residents of Alabama cross into Florida to participate in the lottery, especially when jackpots are significantly large.

Disclaimer: The above is solely intended for informational purposes and in no way constitutes legal advice or specific recommendations.