Unclaimed money refers to funds or property left dormant or forgotten by the rightful owners. Once an account or property has seen no owner-generated activity or contact for a few years, it risks entering a state of limbo. Banks, insurance companies, and other entities are required by law to report these unclaimed assets to the state after a certain period–typically after being inactive for three years, though the time can vary between one to five years depending on the nature of the property.
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Looking for Unclaimed
Check to see how you can claim lost cash and property.
Eligibility to claim unclaimed property in Florida is quite straightforward. Basically, if you have ever resided in Florida, there’s a chance that there could be funds or property in your name that you’re unaware of. After five years of dormancy, businesses are required by Chapter 717 of the Florida Statutes to turn such property over to the state.
If a financial asset in the official database matches your name or the name of someone for whom you’re legally authorized to act, such as a minor child or a deceased relative, you may be eligible to claim it. Make sure to check for different name and address variations if your name has changed at any point (e.g., maiden to married name) or if you have lived in different places within Florida.
Here’s a step-by-step guide to search for unclaimed money with MoneyBot5000:
1. Conduct a search: Access MoneyBot5000’s website. There, you can use the search tool to enter your name or the names of potential claimants to check for any unclaimed funds or property under that name. It’s wise to try different variations of your name to account for name changes or misspellings.
2. Review results: Should your search return any results, take time to carefully review the details provided. This includes the amount of unclaimed property, the entity that reported it, and other pertinent information. Click on items that seem to match your profile to learn more.
3. Initiate your claim: After reviewing the search results and discovering unclaimed property potentially belonging to you, you can initiate the claim process by following the instructions on the screen.
Here’s how the claiming process works in Florida:
Filling the claim form -Once you identify an unclaimed property potentially under your name, begin the claiming process by downloading the claim form. Make sure to enter all the information accurately to avoid delays or rejection of your claim.
Gather documents -Gather relevant documents to submit with the claim form. These can include identity proof, proof of property ownership, and other relevant certificates depending on the type of unclaimed property.
Submit the claim form -You can submit the claim form and the required documents online or via mail.
Claim review -Once you file a claim, the officials will review the documents and either ask for clarifications or send a decision in a few weeks to months, depending on the complexity of the claim, the number of claims being processed, etc.
Unclaimed money in Florida represents a unique opportunity for residents and former residents to reclaim funds or property that they may have forgotten or were unaware of. The process, governed by Chapter 717 of the Florida Statutes, ensures that unclaimed assets are eventually handed over to the state if left dormant for over five years. By using tools like MoneyBot5000, individuals can easily search for and initiate the claim process for unclaimed property. With straightforward eligibility criteria and a clear process for filing claims, reclaiming these assets can be a valuable endeavor. Ensure that all information is accurate and required documents are submitted to avoid delays. Taking the time to check and claim unclaimed property can lead to unexpected financial benefits.
Need to learn more about finding unclaimed money in a neighboring state? See our guides for Georgia and Alabama!
Florida Department of Revenue - Unclaimed Property Division
Florida Department of Financial Services, 200 E. Gaines Street, Tallahassee FL 32399-0358
Phone Number
Office Hours
8:00 AM-5:00 PM, Monday-Friday
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Looking for Unclaimed Money?
Check to see how you can claim lost cash and property.