Unclaimed money, including forgotten bank accounts and uncashed checks, can significantly impact individuals by sitting idle when it could otherwise be serving a purpose in someone’s life. Understanding unclaimed property is vital, as it pertains to assets that have become separated from their owners due to various reasons, such as forgetting about an account, changing addresses without notice, or not being aware of an inherited asset.
In the state of Minnesota, these dormant resources are managed with a robust legal framework aimed at ensuring these funds don’t remain in limbo indefinitely. The Minnesota Department of Commerce plays a crucial role in safeguarding these assets while actively attempting to reunite them with their rightful owners.
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Looking for Unclaimed
Check to see how you can claim lost cash and property.
Minnesota’s approach to managing forgotten or neglected financial assets is methodically crafted through legislative measures, specifically through the Minnesota Uniform Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act. This act serves as the foundation for these protocols, detailing how unclaimed assets should be handled until they can be returned to their rightful owners. It requires entities in possession of such assets to attempt to reconnect with the owner over a specified period, known as the dormancy period, after which these assets are transferred to the Minnesota Department of Commerce for safeguarding.
As a custodian of unclaimed assets, the Minnesota Department of Commerce serves as a central hub for the collection, management, and distribution of unclaimed property within the state. Its responsibilities include receiving reported unclaimed property, maintaining an accessible database for public searches, educating the public about unclaimed property, safeguarding these properties, and processing claims.
MoneyBot5000 is a simple digital tool designed to help you track unclaimed property in your name. Follow the steps below to get started.
Employ various strategies to maximize your search effectiveness:
Identify property: Identify your property through the state’s database and review the claim instructions.
Documentation and verification: To prove your claim, you will need to supply valid identification and documents linking you to the unclaimed property. This might include bank statements, utility bills, or legal documents if claiming on behalf of an estate.
Submit claim: Submit the claim form with the proper documentation.
Processing timeframe: Typically, the Minnesota Department of Commerce processes claims within 90 days, though complex cases may take longer. Ensure all documentation is accurate and complete to avoid delays.
Minnesota residents are encouraged to actively search for and claim their lost assets. For additional support, resources, and guidance, the Minnesota Department of Commerce provides extensive assistance to claimants at every step of the process. If you suspect that you have unclaimed assets, take action today and start your search—it could result in a welcome financial surprise.
Need to learn more about finding unclaimed money in a neighboring state? See our guides for North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, and Wisconsin.
Minnesota Department of Revenue - Unclaimed Property Division
Minnesota Department of Commerce, 85 7th Place East, Suite 280, St. Paul MN 55101-2198
Phone Number
Office Hours
Phone: 8 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. Mon.- Fri. Lobby: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Mon - Fri.
Start Your Unclaimed Money Search
You may qualify to claim missing money. Search now.
Looking for Unclaimed Money?
Check to see how you can claim lost cash and property.